The lyrics go as follows:
"...I'm a bitch, I am a lover, I am a child, I am a mother, I am a sinner, I am a saint..."
It has faces. It has phases. It has peaks, and it has valleys. It is sweet and bitter. It is loving and fierce. You want it, you can't stay away from it. You feel nurtured and held by it. You are drawn to it without a logical explanation. You are frightened by it, for you do not understand it. It is mercurial. It won't fit into a well-defined box, for it spans the whole gamut of possibility. Knowing how to handle it is a study. It is a study that may last a lifetime. Her depth seems boundless and daunting. She is comforting, embracing, quiet, and gentle. She is erotic, enticing, innocent, haunting, real, and anything else you want and imagine her to be. To get in touch with her is peaceful bliss. You spend your days plotting out ways to penetrate her depths, to feel her presence, and to be with her. You want to know her. You might even want to be her. And you certainly want to lay in her lap of respite.
It is a mystery and mysterious. Unlocking it would mean unlocking a gigantic part of yourself. It requires dedication, determination, prostration, and naked receptivity. And after all that, you just want to know her name.
Allow me to introduce the power of enormous proportion and possibility. Allow me to introduce the most subtle and the most wild. Allow me to introduce the feminine energy.