Work is one of the greatest distractions. From ourselves.
Four hours a day is more than enough to contribute to society, think creatively, produce for the boss man. It's also sufficient time to spend with work friends and get the social needs met. Add two hours of commute time, and we're up to six hours a day dedicated to work. Plenty of time to be distracted.
Physical labor, more so than mental, depletes the mind of its juice to bother about anything after the day is done. Hence, unless we spent time working alone while pulling weeds or clearing trails, whereby our mind would have had the energy, time, and the perfect environment to self-reflect, doing so after a day full of physical exertion becomes nearly impossible. Mental work often includes dealing with a variety of personalities and conflict, all of which leave some kind of a residue on our system. Then, once the day is done, the mind is occupied with who said what, all the drama, and some degree of self-reflection. While the TV is one and the food is on the plate in our lap. Or in the mouth.
On some level, robots are good for humanity. A mix of people and robots would be very good. We need to have a sense of purpose and a reason to wake up every morning. At the same time, we cannot continue to avoid ourselves every single day. Add taking care of a family to the mix, and there is but a few minutes to be absolutely alone.
Maybe not that soon, but at some point, the emphasis on distraction will be reduced and a balance between doing and being will be the norm.