Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Game

It may not seem so, but everything is a choice. Everything, all our experiences and perceptions are, ultimately, a choice. It may not seem so most of the time, simply because we are too close to a thing, an event, an experience. We are too entangled in it. We are deep in mud unable to pull out and get a bird's eye view. And yet that is also a choice. Choice.

I can stand on top of a chair, looking over a crowd of happy, cheering people, celebrating an event of some kind. I can remain on top of that chair as an observer, feeling disconnected from what's slightly below and in front of me, feeling angry and superior, or I can remain on top of that chair as a participant, making a silly statement to the girl next to me, smiling with my whole body, celebrating the event with full force, and seeing nothing else, or I can remain on top of that same chair, and choose to become involved in this show and this celebration, feeling fully connected and happy to enjoy the festivities with an understanding that this is just a play. I can feel connected without entanglement. I can enjoy whatever is presented to me. I can be happy, or sad, or anything else based on the choice I make, because I am aware of the game that is being played.

And herein lies freedom. Freedom to feel, behave, and experience as I choose. Excuses vanish, struggles dissipate. Freedom to flow with the current arises. How would such a life experience be? Wouldn't it be a great item on the menu? I would certainly like to have a dose of it. Daily, please.

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