Many times. Over many years. I have done it many times over many years. I've tasted the good, the bad, and the ugly. The first few years were fun, regardless of the situation. Pure fun and joy and no consequences. I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was getting myself into. Simply loved being there and being receptive to the musical notes, and lyrical voices, the emotion, and the exploration of it all. Such a high with charged energy would each night bring. More days on the calendar would be crossed off. More practice would be put in. Tastes would become refined while the mind would grow in discriminatory power. The good, the bad, and the ugly would start to separate and show their vibrant costumes. The days would continue to fly by, months would slide along, and years leap into the past. Experience with all of its highs and lows, with all of its colorful spectrum created tremendous awareness. The awareness that demanded particular conditions and refined company. The magic appeared with rarety and soulful beauty. Each encountered mattered. The invisible connection facilitated by the musical notes and the lyrical voices, the emotion and the exploration of it all, with only the gentlest of hearts and the deepest mutual regard, would create the subdued high lighted by the sweetest of energies.
This.... is partner dancing, or my metaphor for life.
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