Monday, May 21, 2012


What am I trying to say? Words must come.. Words.. You know, a dance is made up of dance vocabulary known as steps and patterns, just as a book is made up of words formulated by letters. Hell, music is the same. We communicate in so many ways, and perhaps more profoundly and clearly without language. After all, language is the newest development if looking at the evolutionary model.  And the reason for communication? Well, the first answer that comes to mind is connection. We have a need to connect (and we also want to survive. I doubt animals can carry on living completely independently. They seem to travel in packs, herds, flocks, and schools, just to name a few). Trying to deduce (or maybe induce?) this: if communication does occur on so many levels not understood by the logical mind, can connection also appear in a way that's beyond the rational? I, obviously, think so, or I would not be writing this particular piece. And, this, I find to be intriguing. I mean, we go about our lives, doing all the right things, crossing the t's and dotting the i's, doing good deeds, and finding ourselves to be slightly (or slightly more than slightly) deadened. The life within is no longer in tune with the life around. We follow the rules, mental rules, limiting rules. We feel stifled, pushed out to the boundaries of our comfortable familiarity. We don't know what to think or how to behave. Perhaps we feel threatened, perhaps excited, and at the same time, we don't understand our experience. This connection beyond the first layer of reason begs to be explored and exposed. The deeper, richer slice of life wants to expand and brighten the world within us. My bias is that this is where true beauty resides, and I want to know its strata.

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