Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Yo-Yo

I close my eyes and see your face
Yet you escape
Into the horizon or somewhere else 
While I’m next to you unseen by your steady gaze

You write in song if inspired by my lyrics 

And you come and go as you freely please 

You touch in sweetness and in raw passion

Yes, you come and you go with the mood’s flow

You dance to a song I cannot hear

You guard yourself for some reason 

While I grasp in darkness to plug into you

To hold you, to feel you, to include all of you

And I open my doors and invite you to enter

You gently hover at the threshold and question 

Something beyond my perception 

Leaving me in obscurity, in confusion of the senses

I slowly walk after a fit of madness

Into the light of the sun and flowers’ fragrance

Connect to the voice that has all the answers

I’m free after all, ready to take off to a far away landing

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