Thursday, February 24, 2022

The End

I would have walked to the edge of the earth with you
I would have tried to learn cartwheels if you had asked me to
Just as you decided to throw hot flames
I had no choice and drove away

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Still in Progress

A meeting of two beings is a sweet surrender
And that of two minds is conflict eternal
The question is posed as to where to find
A way to place aside the begging mind?

It has been a reality in some distant past
The taste of freedom and a joyful path
Yet, the gate has not been fully closed
To the insistence of needs 
That keep on changing
That like the extremes

To put one aside for months and years
Amidst the mercurial web of desires and feelings
To be united with the harmony of life
To give, just give, with a grateful heart

A meeting of two beings is oh-so sweet!
Until hidden needs disturb the peaceful scene
Bringing darkness and obscurity into the mix
Revealing the work is still in-progress indeed

There must be an answer waiting to be seen