Thursday, June 13, 2013

Turned Around and Upside Down

What if it weren't like this? What if the sky is down and the earth is up, and the mountains are in here? What if the flowers drowned and the thoughts flew? While the guitar continued to cry. And the voice continued to soar. Toward the new skies and the old roots of new beginnings. What if I am not who I think I am, and you are surely not the person I know you to be? What if the chirping is coming from inside rather than from the tops of those green pines? And the newly-found beauty is overwhelming the perception of yesterday's world. And the rest seems to be irrelevant if not invisible. While the guitar continues to cry. And the voice continues to soar. Toward the upside down reality and the new roots of old beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. well hello Irina...this is exciting...such imagination :) I often wonder about this same kinds of wonderful ideas too. whimsical!! sounds like tea time...


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