Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Where Is The Love?

Having worked in a healthcare industry, I learned a few things. The health system has little to nothing to do with health. Not of the patient, nor of the one providing the care. I have seen enough and experienced enough within me to make this claim. It's a tightly run engine designed to make profit at the expense of patients and workers' tireless efforts.

The treatments provided are considered to be top of the line, most advanced. I suppose so, if you consider cutting a human body the norm. There is so much eagerness to use a sledgehammer and a knife. While impressive, I often wondered who would even think to use a chainsaw on a human form? On one hand incredible, on the other barbaric. 

Onto mental health. Too much to mention here. I will only say that a friend of mine was physically attacked today by someone. Someone struggling with drug addiction and psychosis for many years. Someone who used to sculpt figurines. Drugs are everywhere. People are suffering. And we, the richest country in the world, have not invested in what actually works. Because healthcare could actually become a place of health and care rather than a life-taking industrial complex.

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