Friday, July 20, 2012

A Mind-Made Box

I have seen a limited number of movies in my life and have witnesses to vouch for this statement. Those I have viewed, have been done so multiple times. Looking for the common theme among these pictures, it appears that the one thing of true interest to me is the intriguing and, simultaneously, laughable nature of relationships. Is anybody else out there also aware of how funny it all is? There are a few elements that persist in all the stories, the most prevailing of which is a notion of right and wrong passed down to us from, at least, Abraham's age. And so each character in each of the stories works very diligently at fitting into his (and her) well-defined role and place in any given relationship. From the feelings one ought to have to the behavior one ought to exhibit to the expectations one has of the other to the appearances one ought to exhibit to the world. In other words, each individual plays by the rules he (and she) did not consciously choose but rather inherited through osmosis into the very bloodstream that courses through the veins (and arteries). In yet another set of words, each lives his (and again, her) life attempting to fit into a rather rigid system with little room for flexibility, forgiveness, and...(searching for another "f" word).....oh hell, fun is all that pops up. (Akin to the education system, to the economic system. Any system). The prejudice that arises from blindness (is anybody else out there aware we are slaves to the dogma?) is so powerful, it obliterates humanity in the individual. It causes judgement, hatred, fear, and walls. It is a wonderful tool at keeping the world apart. I laugh at the apparent suffering of each character, but it's a laugh that is birthed by sadness. Of the predicament we find ourselves in simply because we have not taken the time. To see that a human cannot and will not fit into any system for any length of time. A human cannot be curtailed in any way. A human cannot be contained within the walls of any mind-made structure without a part of him (and her) dying. Restriction causes resistance. Resistance, or rebellion, is the cause for war, be it internal or external. In short, it goes against the flow of life. And as I watch these scripts in motion, a part of me, though small but insistent, wants to plead, wants to raise havoc in speaking out and delivering this message: The Box You Are In Is Not Real.

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