Sunday, July 7, 2013

How Simple

How simple it really is:
Once You're gone, then the world exists.
Then the world is there for you to enjoy,
For there is nothing preventing you from living in joy.
And there is nothing to show and nothing to prove
And there is nothing to argue and nothing to move.
There is only the scene in front to be watched
With its highs and its lows, not to be reproached.

How simple it really has been:
Once You have vanished, the life just floods in.
And you sit without walls, agenda, or meaning.
And there is just one feeling that keeps on appearing.
It is called many names and described many ways.
It's been searched for forever in crevasses of heaven.
Yet, the feeling is housed in the space so near.
So close, so easy, so formidably feared.

How simple it really can be:
Once You decide to surrender, your humanity can finally enter.

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