Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Flowing Thought

I saw a sign on a car which read these words, possibly of wisdom or of a blind belief. And the sentence was: "we are spiritual beings having a physical experience." 

Perhaps, you too have seen them in front of your eyes. Perhaps, they made you think or wonder. Or just ponder. And perhaps, you just glanced over them and continued eating your chocolate ice cream. Clearly having a physical and a pleasurable experience at that.

Seeing that I have been exposed to this bumper sticker on several occasions, I actually gave it some attention this time.

Assuming the sentence is the truth, shouldn't we have a direct experience of our being? Shouldn't we take time to know what and who it is? And not simply believe in such a phenomenon. Otherwise, life goes on and only the physical reality is at the fingertips. 

And since physicality is not who we really are, we're missing the juice of it all. I think the time has come to give this slogan a go.

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