Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Journey Continues

Remember Randy Pausch's last lecture? He said many things. I remember just one: people are more important than things. Sadhguru says that we love things and use people rather than using things and loving people. My neighbor loves his house, which he opens up to people he loves. The guest must always remember to bend over and contort his mind, body, and locate the necessary strength of the soul in order to leave the house untouched. You are welcome here at any time as long as....Attachments? Yes. Freedom? Yes. Control? Yes. If I recall correctly, Victor Frankl's message is that there is one thing that no one, not under any circumstances, can take away from a human being. This is the freedom to choose. Freedom appears to reside inside. It is simply there under the mind's towering presence and a thick layer of resistance. And as my neighbor exerts himself in every way to satisfy the needs of his mind, my task would be to free myself of my own mind's attachments to ideas and should-be's, and flow over the boulders, big and small, unscathed.  Until then...."may the force be with [me]."

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