Monday, August 13, 2012

Living at the Edges

So easy to see the extremes. The far right and the far left. The first day of school and the last. The front and the back covers of a book. Clearly, a man and a woman. Either love or hate. In dance, it's the weight shifting from one foot to the other that's of utmost importance. The sheer control and precision of moving between two points determine the grace of movement, the enjoyment of movement to both the performer and the audience. Living at one point of the extreme and running to the next is a life wasted. Simple. Seeing two extremes as only choices is limiting. Life happens in between the two dots. It's the transition from one to the other that contains all the beauty and grace. The beauty and the grace are what is required for a beautiful and graceful passage of time here on this planet. The challenge is to learn to see each incremental movement, to be in the movement, to experience the movement and all the depth intrinsic to it. A fountain of undeniably profound experience resides here. The challenge is to see in shades of grey, to be comfortable with uncertainty, to respond to each change of position as needed, for the wind may have blown more forcibly today, or the neighbor's dog bit the planted foot. The challenge is to move from one foot to the other with eyes wide open, seeing all the possibilities in between the easily seen extremes, being fully aware of the changing landscape, for once the other foot hits the ground, the landing will cause no trauma, no drama, or any lasting disturbance, be it to the internal or the external world. And, oh, how enjoyable the journey!

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