Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gentle Men defines aggression as: 1. any offensive action, attack, or procedure; an inroad or encroachment: 2. overt or suppressed hostility, either innate or resulting from continued frustration and directed outward or against oneself.

"Hostility against oneself" is one of my favorites. We are quite insane for doing that. I am sure that, if we could, we'd much rather direct it outward, but those civilized (or not) social mores will not allow us, for the fear of being ridiculed and considered insane, which we already are, so, in the end, it's a no-win situation. Beyond this unpleasant and easy-to-grasp understanding, there is the source of hostility. This is even more insane, if insanity were a spectrum akin to that one of light waves (I am "seeing" a beautiful array of colors....). The source, of course, is being completely (or mostly) out of touch with what is. It's the perfect soil for growing frustration and pain. The reality doesn't match up with the internal desire. The internal desire is driven by some insane expectation of what the situation should be, fed by everyone and everything around us, and that expectation, is also based on the insane misunderstanding of life. It's a big messy cycle, needless to say, breeding more subtle examples of aggression, which appear as control and manipulation of the external environment, of another human being. "Hostility directed outward." Another insane activity. 

And really, my whole rant on the subject boils down to one thing and one thing only. Gentle men and women, may I ask that we tread....gently?

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