Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Cynic

Movie no. 1. Finished.
Movie no. 2. Just finished.
Movie no. 3. To be finished.

Except the upcoming theme is of no surprise. It goes something like this:
"Don't you get lonely sometimes?" "Don't you get scared sometimes?" "Please don't leave me." "You make me feel alive." "I love you!....?" "Don't you love me, too?" The hug ensues, the passionate kiss follows, the credits roll, and all the world is teary... They have all been there, done that, and appreciate the drama.

But the previous and the upcoming themes are of a surprise. They really say something like this:
"I am going to use you as a band-aid for my feeling inadequate." "I am scared of who I really am." "My well-being is dependent on you serving me." "I love you but only if you love me back. If you don't act the way I expect you to, I will no longer see your beauty and will say nasty things about you."

Of course, the real theme is hidden by the romanticism of tears, cute outfits, and hormonal outbreaks.

The world eats this stuff up. Sees itself in the lie. Validates its behavior while continuing to find solace in that which does not work. Power is not the answer. Control is an illusion. Possession of the other diminishes the likelihood of honest inner expression.

Movie no. 4, 5, etc. To be written.

Its theme is yet to be. It will convey something like this:
"I want to know me." "I want to learn from you." "I love you for you, not for what you do for me." 

And I? That's simple. I just want to be free. Free in the world of self-deception...

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