Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The life lived in a pursuit. A constant pursuit to find happiness, to find meaning and purpose. The constant race to find that piece of peace and happiness. We spend all our waking hours looking for that one addiction to give the sense of joy. We keep running and running, changing from a sprint to a jog, and yet the movement never ceases. 

I am here to declare, as my most recent instructor would say, that peace and happiness are the beginning of life. They are not the pursuit of life. Life is wasted on the pursuit of happiness, because it is not something out there that can be fulfilled by someone else or by something that we do. The source of that state of being is within us, originating from energy. It is the pursuit to finding access to that life energy that is necessary for the life to unfold and be fully expressed. 

Once found, once tasted, once it becomes available every moment of our existence, we are in the state of happiness. The chase ends here. Once and for all. Life becomes complete, and it is only now the question of what is needed to be done to improve the surroundings around us. You are no longer important. What you think and need and desire have no meaning, for those states only have power on the way to finding happiness. Their purpose falls off. A new purpose arises and that is how to serve, how to become an offering, how to become a useful tool for change. How to be at the right place at the right time with the right tools available at your fingertips to create beauty. 

Simple. Energy. Happiness. Offering. Life worth living.

The new pursuit is finding the access to that unlimited supply of energy and keeping the flow at all times. Done.

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