Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Looking Closer

The need for identity. The need to be distinguished. The need to be a somebody. The need to be unique.
The need to be attached. The need to be defined. The need to know oneself by the external markers.
I am this. I am that.
All in vain. All limiting. All confining. All restricting.
One box is too small to hold the enormity of the human. Any box is a box with boundaries and walls. Usually concrete with all the meanings. 
The need to know. The need to feel on solid ground. The need to proclaim oneself and stand up. It is all there. It is all-powerful. It is never fulfilling when experiencing the movement of the breath is all that there really is. Is all that needs to be known.

1 comment:

  1. All boundaries are conventions. To be free of conventions, we must be able to imagine being free of conventions first.
    The box you speak of is... born of convention?


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