Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Complete Piece of Life.

Might be better. The great big rock that has been sitting wherever it's been sitting, supporting thousands of pounds of weight over its lifetime. The stories it has heard and the tears he has gathered. The winds it has witnessed and the heat it has withstood. The wisdom is has gathered. Its depth must be unfathomable. Might be better to be a rock than a human. A single human with heaps of pain carried through all the generations. The scenes he has seen. The drama he has lived. The stories he has told the unmoving rock. The rock is. The human does. And while the latter speaks and moves, his suffering is incomparable to that of a still piece of stone. Might be much better to be an observer. Who is to say which one of the two is kinder and of greater assistance. Who is to confirm which one lives freely. As a life piece complete. 

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