Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Parents and Children

"I don't expect my parents to change." How does that saying go? "If I had a penny for every time I heard that...." I mean, really, why do we, children (I suppose we are not children in our minds, but we will continue to be so in our parents'), give so little credit to the two people who have spent their lives trying to mold us into something they thought would be great? Are they really that inflexible? Just because we think, act, function slightly differently from how they do, does not give us the right to label our parents so rigidly. Perhaps it is we who are inflexible and unable to conceive of our parents growing. It seems to me, however, that we, as a people, are rather adaptable and flexible. Some of us can even touch our toes! And I am certain that an average adult (minus those born with extreme physical changes), with enough attention and time, can eventually touch his/her toes.

I think that any individual is capable of transformation. Much of the resistance comes from unawareness, yes. The other reason why the wall is put up is because of the approach. It looks as if we are all children in grown-up bodies. We are all very sensitive and easily injured. I would posit that parents can and will morph, if approached with vulnerability and honesty. If a parent has always been a parent to his/her offspring, that parent cannot not respond to his/her own child when the child exposes himself/herself fully. Then, there is nothing left for the parent but to feel the parental love that may have long ago been pushed aside.

From within, I would like to thank all the children and their parents for trying to "work it out." I would very much like to give children permission to see the best in their parents, realizing that parents need love, understanding, and guidance just as much as we do.


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