Monday, March 30, 2020

The Mind

It is said that the logical part of the human mind wants to divide. It wants to analyze and understand through dissection, killing the very thing that it is trying to know. What paradox.

The human mind wants to create "the other." In difficult and unpleasant times, this "other" is usually painted as "bad," to justify one's negative feelings. Because only when we make another human being our nemesis, we feel like we have the right to be upset, angry, hysterical. 

The human mind wants to split the world into good and bad, right and wrong. It's not hard to see there is no such reality. What is considered good by one is thought of as bad by another. It's a subjective view based on one's beliefs, culture, and perceptions. 

The human mind wants to create a sense of "I am good." No one wants to have a negative view of themselves. The mind also wants to protect the story of how it wants others to perceive us. We are good, bad, beautiful and ugly. We are complex and simple. We are everything rolled into one presentation known as "myself."

This "self" is a made-up entity required to navigate through this world. It is this entity that thinks and lives in duality. As long as that is the experience of life, right and wrong will exist. Black and white exist. For some, it's all grey, which is a state of confusion but it's a more sane state than living in the world of absolute right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral.

When one is able to live beyond the mind, even for a brief moment, there is no black and white, nor is there grey. There is just clarity of how it really is. Naturally, the judgement that is commonplace in the mind disappears. Events simply are. 

This is when life actually begins. In simplicity that grows out of clarity.

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