Saturday, March 28, 2020


I've been told by others they have felt a certain kind of a shift last December. While I didn't notice much energetically, life situations became heightened for me, as well.

In my estimate, this is a time of significance. The grandiose global events are not by chance. It has occurred to me that, if looking back at history, the world has frequently encountered major upheavals in various parts of the world at the same time. This was even when there was little to no communication among the different countries, and we were not so interconnected. I always found it to be fascinating as a teenager, and now, it is clear that there is an overarching energy that governs and impacts us all.

We are now forced to stay in one place. For some, it's rather difficult. We do what we know best. If we know drinking, we do more of that. If we know study, we do more of that. Mostly, we're trying to fill our days with something to experience some pleasure.

I argue that this is not the time to be frivolous. This precious space so unexpectedly given to us is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to be with oneself. To dig deep and learn what the most fundamental longing of our being is. Find out more about who we truly are. Learn to be alone. Learn to be honest and vulnerable with oneself.

This is an ongoing quest that is worth dedicating several hours to on a daily basis. There has been much chatter, innumerable distractions, misconceptions. In other words, lack of clarity and lack of the ability to see things for what they are. 

What we discover today, may set a new course for us in our lives, because life is running away, faster than we even imagine. 

If I were to state my current understanding, then I would love to create a life that is rooted in a deep sense of knowing. When the veil is lifted and vision is unobscured by distorted and unconscious thoughts and deeds.

My vision is to live with a sense of inner freedom that gives the experience of stability, love, and power. Not the kind of power that controls others or puts you ahead of someone else. It is an inner power that relaxes the body and mind completely. The kind that lets you be with nothing to hide. It is the power that leaves you requiring nothing compulsively. It is a life of utter completeness, compassion and undeniable, unmistakable, unquestionable joy.

And yes, there would be old leafy and fruit trees amidst a garden full of flowers and butterflies. And the sounds heard are children's laughter, a summer stream flowing over rocks, a breeze ruffling the leaves with a loving presence that is felt ever-so-slightly behind me sharing the grand moment called ecstasy.

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