Sunday, March 29, 2020


Self-esteem. Self-love. Self-respect. Self-worth. 

Self. Self. Self. And in the same breath we speak of self-less-ness.  Only when you are self-less, can you live in self-less-ness.

Everything is about you. You are the most important player in your life. Whatever it may be: sports, dance, family, work, cooking. Everything is about you wanting to feel good about and within yourself. As George Harrison wrote: "All through the day: I, me, mine..."

Yoga, too, is about you. With one difference. One major difference. While yoga is about enhancing you, it is not about self-expression. It is about self-transformation. Some activities also create a sense of pushing you beyond your current level of ability, capabilities, and experience. Yoga does it on a fundamental level, re-arranging the basis of your existence. It also has a finish line. It works like pumping a balloon. You keep pumping it and pumping it. It grows in all dimensions. It feels expansive and full. It is ready to explode until... With one more pump, it finally bursts. 

Yoga will burst who you think you are. When you disappear, who you actually are appears. 

There is no longer the self that needs self-esteem, self-love, self-respect. There is only presence.

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